Wednesday, 29 October 2014

To ban or not ban cars in the city centre – The Big Debate from Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce

Last week, the Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce hosted a Big Debate on the subject, 'Business would be better in Brighton if we took cars out of the city centre.' The debate attracted a large audience to the Main Hall at City College Brighton and Hove, where speakers from the panel and from the floor covered a wide range of issues surrounding transport in the city and the effect on businesses.

Chaired by journalist and media coach Steve Bustin, the debate kicked off with four ‘points of view,’ contributed by Anthony Probert of BioRegional; Anne Martin, general manager of Brighton Pier; Martin Williams of Mayo Wynne Baxter; and Chris Todd of Brighton and Hove Friends of the Earth. I was invited along to give a Living Streets perspective.

What was interesting was that, after the debate, the vote was finely balanced between the ‘ban cars’ vs the ‘don’t ban cars’ factions. The evidence that more cars don’t equal more prosperity seems to be having an effect.  Equally fascinating was the result of the final vote on the question “Do you think it’s essential to own a car in Brighton and Hove?” Not a single person said yes.

Comprehensive coverage of the debate in the Argus, here.

1 comment:

  1. Great work dear. Very very informative and expressive writing. All the mentioned points show your research and study behind this writing.
