Monday, 30 April 2012

20’s Plenty: Brighton and Hove To Be a 20mph City

30.4.12 P1090806 crop “Motorists” will no doubt be revolting, but Brighton’s Argus confirmed last week that 20mph is set to become the new default speed limit in Brighton and Hove, rolled out over a four year period following public consultation. The new default speed limit will apply on all roads apart from major routes, and will be welcomed by everyone who walks, cycles, lives in and wants to enjoy this city more. This is probably the biggest piece of good news we have seen in a long time.
According to the Council’s paper, to be discussed this coming Friday, “The benefits of a Citywide 20mph scheme include a potential reduction in collisions and a reduction in the severity of those collisions which do occur. Consistency of speed limit is likely to lead to better compliance, reduced street clutter and an increased perception of safety. These improvements to the public realm will also have health benefits, encouraging more cycling and walking and improving air quality.” Amen to all that. The data on 20mph speed limits is clear: fewer people are killed and fewer people are injured. There will be less noise, and less pollution. Brighton and Hove will become a safer city for cyclists and for pedestrians, a nicer place to live in, to work in, and to visit.

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